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A member registered Nov 02, 2019

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Hi! I tried the demo and it was amazing! The gameplay aesthetics were nice, I liked the mechanic where you throw the the head and where if you touch a platform you generate electricity! The part where you get the chip of throwing the head, The overall game's controls weren't clunky, and it felt amazing! Even the character is likeable! The only problem it didn't really seem to get harder after a few levels :( This was an amazing experience for me and I would even like to pay for a full version!

Okei thnx

Omfg this is flappy bird for pc? Lol

I downloaded this game when jackaboy played it and I went to my mom's friends son's house  He and his mom absolutely loooooooooooved it!!!!!(especially since ha had a crap pc) thank you so much for this fun and awesome adventure I hope you make more  good games like this!